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fishn4men 58 M
1  Article
Out and Proud   4/17/2012

Hey friends checkout the new page i created for those who are celebrating coming out and for those who have experienced or are experiencing difficult issues w/being accepted for who they are.

1 Comments, 28 Views, 2 Votes ,5.20 Score
LLBrianGuyz 48 M
1  Article
Gay Pride is VERY Important   1/15/2010

I wrote this as a response but did not see it post so I'll post it here...You should have pride because god knows nobody outside of our community would give it to you otherwise. Here is the copy of the response to "Too much Pride": I would have to disagree. I am not "in your face" about anything. In fact, even tho I consider myself "out of the closet", I get hit on at work ...

1 Comments, 366 Views, 31 Votes ,6.79 Score
hunk_on_pay1 43 M
1  Article
have ne one cares for me?????   1/14/2010

hey gays... u know this is very touching.. when u are in the field of professional.. every just use and trow u .... but have ne one thing about me ne time.. that me too have too have feelings....... me too wants to care for some one... me too want care by others... ??? but no... because the word "professisonal is attch with me". i dont know the human being have this type of ...

3 Comments, 426 Views, 44 Votes ,1.45 Score
amaninsalina 62 M
5  Articles
The complaint department   12/30/2007

Whenever you see anti-gay news or religious commentary on television they always shows as file footage film taken from one gay pride parade or another of drag queens and other flamboyant members of our community. We also hear the same complaint from members of our own community, how can we ever move forward when this is the public face of gay pride. It's a scare tactic used against us to ...

1 Comments, 41 Views, 4 Votes ,3.25 Score
Royce4 57 M
7  Articles
Narcissus   8/15/2007

In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a hero who was renowned for his beauty and his pride
Ameinias, a young man, loved Narcissus but was scorned. To tell Ameinias off, Narcissus gave him a sword as a present. Ameinias used the sword to kill himself on Narcissus' doorstep and prayed that Narcissus would one day know the pain of unrequited love. This curse was fulfilled when Narcissus ...

1 Comments, 85 Views, 7 Votes ,2.79 Score
jim696998 81 M
25  Articles
too much pride   5/10/2007

I am very proud to be gay and I do not need to go out and tell the world that I am gay to be proud of it.Too many gay people have the idea that they need to be seen as a gay person in the public eye. Myself I enjoy being with another man in private and I do not tell others what we do in private and hope that they do not either. I do not think being gay is about going out in a gay parade ...

2 Comments, 155 Views, 19 Votes ,5.89 Score
shade8812 42 M
1  Article
Why ever hide who you are?   5/10/2007

Pride? <br> What is pride but the ability to stand up and say this is who I am? The courage to stare adversity in the face and say this is who I'm gonna be, no matter waht you say or do to me. The strength to hold to who you are whether anyone likes it or not. <br> Pride is something we need to have. You don't have to throw it in a person's face to show pride. You only ...

2 Comments, 170 Views, 27 Votes ,5.77 Score
Royce4 57 M
7  Articles
Steam   2/11/2007

My friend and I took a steambath in this huge sunken bathsteam room at his place. Definitely like sex in the water- then went to my place to finish the evening/each other off. Anyone know any good water games?

1 Comments, 73 Views, 3 Votes ,1.96 Score
amaninsalina 62 M
5  Articles
I am homo hear me roar...   12/8/2006

I've never really identified with the word 'gay' there's nothing wrong with it, but it seems to be such a silly thing to be called sometimes. I occassionally identify myself as 'queer' but that one seems to escape most people. The word I usually use to describe myself to others is homosexual. While that my horrify some of you, I think it most clearly speaks to my identity. I am a man who ...

1 Comments, 35 Views, 3 Votes ,5.39 Score
bluehawk000 40 M
2  Articles

The gay pride or simply pride campaign of the gay rights movement has three main premises: that people should be proud of what they are, that sexual diversity is a gift, and that sexual orientation and gender identity are inherent and cannot be intentionally altered. Marches celebrating Pride (pride parades) are celebrated worldwide. Symbols of gay pride include the rainbow flag and also of ...

1 Comments, 157 Views, 22 Votes ,5.65 Score
Gay pride   10/6/2006

I am gay and I am proud about it...

3 Comments, 100 Views, 7 Votes ,5.08 Score
Royce4 57 M
7  Articles
LoveBites   10/6/2006

So I go out the other night to meet a friend at a bar & he blows me off. Anyway, this hot Egyptian guy keeps checking me out, so I am getting rather turned on. We had a drink together….turns out he’s married. Long story short we go back to my apt and do some heavy petting ‒ no sex, . Had an amazing orgasm though ‒ felt like the power of 4. This morning I wake ...

1 Comments, 99 Views, 13 Votes ,3.65 Score
girly gay deserve to be love   9/27/2006

yes we deserve it because most of us are very affectionate and we will do everything just to prove in that guy the we love him..

1 Comments, 60 Views, 5 Votes ,2.82 Score
gay   2/2/2006

i like mature gay, in indonesian

2 Comments, 345 Views, 16 Votes ,1.36 Score