How to be a team! 7/31/2016
I have found in my years that the following tips helps keep
your loved one knowing that you love him or her.
1 - When there is a problem, it's best to give each person
a few moments to be able to calm their emotions and gather
their thoughts.
2 - Keeping your tone calm and even goes a long way in keeping
the communication flowing.
3 - Sitting and talking about ...
1 Comments, 5 Views,
2 Votes
,5.20 Score |
love & friendship 2/27/2011
can love "downgrade" back to friendship?
1 Comments, 52 Views,
4 Votes
,4.41 Score |
Is he gay or straight? 3/9/2010
Hey guys
Well the thing is, there is this really cut guy that works
at my local estate agent. He's normally there on his
he's so hot n cute n i wanna know if he's gay.
Whenever i pass the store, i normally give him a smile, and
he smiles back, but this cud be just for customer service.
I cant approach him and speak to him so what can i do? I have ...
5 Comments, 342 Views,
19 Votes
,2.46 Score |
Older for Younger 1/28/2010
What exactly is this gay obsession with youth? Despite
the fact that I don't understand it, I find myself right
in the middle of the aforementioned situation. I like to
think of myself as intelligent, witty and somewhat good
looking, but yet when it comes to seeking relationships,
I never even give anyone close to my own age a chance. My searches
are always for those 18 - 25, and I am ...
5 Comments, 104 Views,
4 Votes
,4.02 Score |
Committed to a lesbian 6/2/2009
Has anyone had thoughts of being committed to a gay woman
instead of a gay guy, because you want to live like most other
people do with a view to raising a family through artificial
methods etc. It would be interesting to get your views?
1 Comments, 57 Views,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
Long Distance Relationship 8/10/2008
Many people says LDR is really hard and quite difficult
to maintain the stable situation of a certain relationship...Well
i must admit its kinda really difficult to handle...But
don't you know its in your hands and your partner lies
the stand of your relationship if your in this kind of set
up???Base on experience, well TRUST really matters alot, a
really2x important thing in any kind of ...
0 Comments, 76 Views,
3 Votes
,4.41 Score |
Any suggestions for a new M2F TS? 5/7/2007
Howdy all, I'm a new TS going M2F. I'm not yet on
hormones, not yet living fulltime as a woman either. My
current boyfriend of 12 years and I have already accepted
that we will not be able to stay together as a couple eventually.
He is a gay man through and through, and as i become more feminine
in appearance and mannerisms I will eventually become
unattractive to him at an emotional and ...
0 Comments, 86 Views,
3 Votes
,2.94 Score |
love,love,love....... 4/21/2007
LOVE.....4 letter's there's are many things
are meaning of LOVE...but if you don't have a feelings
to you're own to you're self about love what is
the important about this 4 letter's LOVE if you don't
have feelings....the most important if you want love to
you're own you must have a (1) honest to you're
self, (2) be a real to you're self, (3)knowing how
to love (4) and gods fearing, thanks to him ...
0 Comments, 41 Views,
2 Votes
,3.81 Score |
Somebody for everyone YES/NO! 1/31/2007
Ive sat thinking today and the question "Is there
someone out there for everybody?" keeps cropping
up... I mean is everybodies ideal man/woman out there or
is this something we just tell ourselves........
If you asked me yesterday i would of said yes there is someone
for everyone, but today i have had time to think about this,
i mean i have had relationships and been happy, ...
2 Comments, 104 Views,
10 Votes
,4.98 Score |
Soul Mates, Huh? 1/21/2007
I was looking at the polls. There's one about "Soul
Mates", whether or not you believe in them. 44% of
respondants do. Which just makes me wonder, do you think
that might be why so many marriages fail?
Because the myth is that our soul mate completes us. It's
old man Plato's story about our divided self. And when
you find your other half, well then evra thin is irie. But
I ...
1 Comments, 84 Views,
8 Votes
,4.64 Score |
Making new friends, What better friends could we be? 1/21/2007
New friends are great to have someone to talk to.Getting
to know one another is great.I have a new friend in my life.That
i meant on gayfriendfinder.The distances between us is
only 31 miles away from each other.We have alot of things
in common which is great.We have'nt meant yet.But
soon we will.Right now we are doing a lot of talking emailing
each other.Yes we are now talking on the ...
0 Comments, 81 Views,
3 Votes
,2.45 Score |
Thank You 2/9/2006
0 Comments, 43 Views,
0 Votes
Friends that mean something 10/29/2005
All relationships falter at some point or another, but
if you two can sit down and figure out the differences between
you you will find that your relationship is more as it also
has friendship backing it up and though alot of you may meet
spontaneously you will gain trust in each other and friendship
creeps in then eventually you both decide that you are ready
to take on the challenge of ...
0 Comments, 66 Views,
12 Votes
,4.39 Score |
The greatest Love of all! 9/10/2005
"The only way I will ever be great to myself is not by
what I do with the physical world around me , but rather what
i do with my mind." ; Ramtha
Living your physical life is fun and should be exciting
and striving to have it all is fine, however no matter what
you acheive in this world it will only bring small feelings
of being content that do not last. This includes your ...
1 Comments, 192 Views,
28 Votes
,5.29 Score |
more than friends 9/10/2005
Frienship is a living things that last as long as it nourish
with love, understanding, and kind however we can biuld
it up by trust with each other..
0 Comments, 82 Views,
3 Votes
,4.41 Score |